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Be The Match

HOSA, in partnership with the Be the Match bone marrow donor program and WIS news station is taking measures to save lives. Please help us make a difference by adding your name to the bone marrow donor registry. Swab to save!

Be the Match is a national bone marrow donor registry foundation. Patients diagnosed with life-threatening blood diseases often require bone marrow transplants to cure their disorder. The goal of this foundation is to find suitable matches for transplants around the world in order to provide cures for patients with these diseases. 

To become part of the registry, you MUST be 17 or older. If you are between the ages of 45 and 60, you will NOT be able to be screened during the drive at Spring Valley and must register online. Research shows that younger donors are the best because it gives patients a greater chance of transplant success. 

This process only takes a few minutes! At our events, participants will swab their inner cheek to obtain a sample and fill out a registration form. In order to help you complete the form, please bring with you: personal identification (driver’s license or passport are acceptable) and contact information for TWO family members/friends who can reach you in the future if your contact information changes. These samples will then be sent off for testing in order to be placed in the registry, and if a participant’s sample is matched to a patient, they will be asked to donate.

Homecoming Game:
Bring your friends and family to visit our booth at the Homecoming Game on September 22nd (6:30-8pm). Here, you will be able to gain additional information or sign up to be on the registry. SVHS Teachers: Join us on Friday, September 22nd in C-306 between 3:15-4:15 to register to be a donor prior to the event if you will not be available before open house or during the homecoming game. 

Be the match and save a life! To find out more, visit: https://bethematch.org/
For additional information about SVHS events, contact Mrs. McDuffie at lmcduffi@richland2.org or (803) 699-3500 ext. 69306. 

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