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Arab girls enjoy their jobs working in Israeli malls and prize their independence

The Israeli-Arab newspaper Panet has a feature on how many Arab girls in Israel are getting jobs in malls, and what they think about it.

Most of the girls interviewed at a new mall in Hadera are very happy in their jobs. Only one mentioned any discrimination from customers who wanted a Jewish salesperson, the rest of them enjoyed the freedom of having a job, helping them become more independent young women.

Rian Bayadseh (above) from Baqa Al Gharbiya said, "I attended the opening ceremony of the new mall in Hadera. I presented my resume to several workplaces and I was invited to my current workplace. I want to open up to the world, develop my personality, rely on myself and achieve my financial independence. Yes, there are difficulties and challenges in my workplace, such as difficult working times, resilience and dealing with these situations, which qualify me for future experiences.It is very important for Arab women to gain financial independence, which increases their self-confidence and leaves them with an impact in society."

Sarah Masarweh from Kafr Qara told Panet, "The motives for working are more social but also material. The need for exposure to the world and knowledge, especially the Jewish community, the strengthening of my personality and the strengthening of my Hebrew. I face difficulties and challenges in my workplace, being an Arab. This in itself is very difficult, as is the difficulty of speaking the Hebrew language.

"I also have a hard time with customers who prefer Jewish salespeople to Arabs," said Masarweh. "But it isn't so bad. I believe in the customer's personal freedom to choose the seller.'

A young Arab man, Mamdouh Wedd, said: `` I arrived to my work place through the social network where I started working as a salesperson and now I am a manager at  Rosy.  This is a good experience that I learned about life, learned new and different things and strengthened my Hebrew. ”

One of the interviewees, a man named Momen Medlej, admitted that work helps make the girls more self-reliant, but didn't like that. "In my opinion, this is not an achievement or a positive development, as the girl or woman has become self-reliant and does not give men the opportunity to do their duties (as a man.)"

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