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PLO says Israel faked yesterday's terror attack

After yesterday's terror attack, the NAD-PLO tweeted:

Translation: "Do you believe that a mother of two who is five months pregnant would go with her brother to implement a terror attack? Erekat condemning Maryam and Ibrahim's execution."

Ma'an quotes "witnesses" saying that the pair had no knife and that the Israeli forces planted the two kitchen knives and switchblade afterwards. They further claim that the two were innocently walking in the car lanes at the checkpoint.

Haaretz reported the incident this way:
Before being shot, the two were ordered to stop several times but continued to approach officers and guards stationed at a drive-through checkpoint not intended for pedestrians.
According to the police, as the two approached, the woman's hand was buried inside her bag and his hand was behind his back. The two eventually heeded the police's call, stopping a short distance from the officers and turning away, but the woman then spun back around and pulled out the knife, throwing it directly at one of the officers. Police and security guards then shot the two.
The police found another knife identical to the one she was carrying, while a switchblade was found on the her brother's body.

It looks like the Palestinian consensus is to treat these terrorists as victims, not heroes.

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